Blood Orange is currently my favorite dark orange-red ink in my collection (if that seems overly specific it’s because I’m leaving room for Apache Sunset to be my favorite orange). The ink is very wet and lays down heavily with some of my pens, but in a medium-flow pen, on good paper, the shading is very nice and the color is not too saturated and jarring.

This is one of Diamine’s 150th Anniversary inks, so it comes in a wedge-shaped bottle that is, disappointingly, only 40ml in capacity. Still, the bottle feels very nice in the hand, and it’s much more interesting to look at than the Shimmer ink bottles that they use.
Ink Behavior
As I mentioned above, Diamine Blood Orange seems to be a very thin/wet ink to me. The flow is always good, and always too good on cheap paper, where it feathers heavily and bleeds through. On better paper, though, the high flow helps provide a nice amount of shading, from rich, warm reds to dark oranges.